Steven Smith His Reaction to David Warner The Unconventional Batting Guard: “I Nearly Fell into It

David warner, Steven smith

An unexpected “big hole” in the crease didn’t deter Smith from his stride.

Steve Smith
Steven Smith is pleased with his first two half-volleys of the day.

The Unconventional Guard of David Warner: A Talking Point or Game-Changer?

All eyes were on Steven Smith’s partner, David Warner, who took an odd guard while standing a reasonable distance outside of his crease. The umpires and the opponents were aware of this and were overheard discussing it. Smith continued to display his flawless form, but little could break him from his batting stride. Smith scored his 31st century in a Test, demonstrating once more why he is regarded as one of the finest Test batters of this time. Warner’s unconventional guard may have been a talking topic, but it had no bearing on the game’s outcome.

On the second day, Ricky Ponting’s story for Channel Seven during the lunch break called attention to the crater Warner had made in the batting crease as part of a scheme to improve his technique.

Warner built a short trench with holes at each end parallel to the stumps, unlike a typical batting guard whose markings run perpendicular to whatever stump the hitter requests.

On the first day, right before lunch, Smith entered the room and acknowledged he was caught off guard by Warner’s firing.

He jokingly said, “I almost fell in it. “I gradually got used to it, although I came close to twisting my ankle a few times before I did. When I’m moving to off stump, and I have this hole there, it’s something I haven’t encountered on that side. You occasionally have the edge of the footmarks towards the backside of the game when you fall into them and are off balance.

“Until I came outside, marked my guard, and noticed this giant hole, I had no clue it was approaching. Who created this? At the conclusion, I asked Marnus [Labuschagne] what was going on because I was about to sink into a bottomless hole. It seemed weird.

However, once Smith had found his footing, he was nearly flawless until he dragged Shardul Thakur into his stumps, and he did not see anything wrong with Warner’s inventive digging.

He ought to try it more frequently; it worked for him. He may keep digging that hole and do whatever the batter has to do to position themselves well.

David Warner
David Warner scored 43 after using a novel technique for marking his guard.

Due to consecutive bat failures, Australia’s left-handed opening batsman David Warner has recently been under intense criticism. He hushed his detractors on the first day of the game by playing a brief innings of 43 runs. Warner had a challenging opening hour, but as his innings went on, he became more and more confident. After his innings, he said he felt the best he had in the previous 24 months. Warner’s performance is essential to the Australian team’s success in future games, so this would be fantastic news for them. He would assist Australia in winning the present match and increase their chances of winning future games if he could play with the same assurance and form.

Ponting disclosed that he had been carefully collaborating with Warner to enhance his footwork to prevent him from overextending his leg stump. Using this technique, Warner’s feet will become more flexible, allowing him to move more freely and strike the ball with much more fluidity. The Delhi Capitals’ head coach strongly emphasises footwork because he thinks that if a player has good footwork, they can better position themselves to shoot their shots, which eventually results in improved performance on the pitch. Ponting and Warner’s dedication are paying off, as the opening batter has put up some standout performances in the IPL.

Ponting observed, “He’s got a line extending across the back vertical to the stump line. There are two pretty deep holes at each end of that line. Now that I’ve spent the last two years working closely with David Warner on his batting, I can say with certainty that his trigger movement has moved back outside the leg stump when he’s batting poorly.

So, barely two days ago, he devised this idea to dig two holes and ensure that his foot stayed within those two holes whenever he moved. He could feel his heel squeezing into the hole if he moved back and across. His toes fall into the spot if you go too far over to the off-stump. Someone who has played more than 100 Test matches and is still looking for ways to improve is a contemporary player.

Warner’s actions were unorthodox, but they did not violate any laws. These laws only apply to the protected area before the popping crease, where batters are not permitted to enter “without reasonable cause”, and bowlers are not allowed to trespass.

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